Thursday, March 25, 2010

Sunny and Windy in the woods

In 2000, before we had a publisher, we put out a set of postcards with pictures from Windy and we sold them at Eugene Choo and Dream in Vancouver. We included in the set two snapshots of Windy and Sunny posed sitting on logs (well, sticks really). We called the two pictures "Windy in the countryside" and "Sunny in the countryside". But it's funny, when we came across the old digital files, they were called "sensitive_windy.jpg" and "sensitive_sunny.jpg". We named them that because we thought they looked like "sensitive" folky musicians, especially with the lens flare. This was a joke we had forgotten until the files showed up.

(In the spirit of the olden days, our link to Windy today is from our first review by Shift in Japan. Ah, back in the days when Judith had just opened her studio, Steedman Design, and Robin was still studying design at Emily Carr.)

Edited to add: We still sell the books at Eugene Choo and Dream!

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