Saturday, November 5, 2011


A few weeks ago we discovered birdhouses in some of the large trees around our neighbourhood. As the leaves fall from the trees, they have begun to show themselves. This has really captured the imagination of one of our junior members, and birdhouses are now on the charts (just behind trucks, snow and slightly ahead of fish).

So this week, we visited our local Wildbirds Unlimited shop to find out more about feeding wild birds in our neighbourhood. We got an enormous tub of birdseed and a bird feeder (more on that another time). The tub was the smallest amount available, but at $5, it's been giving us a lot of entertainment. This week, we make a simple 5-minute birdfeeder and hang it on some trees).

One thing we've done is to make little bird feeders out of peanut butter, empty paper towel rolls — cut into pieces — and our birdseed. We found the idea through our pinterest (originally from The Moffatt Girls) and set to work. We used a butter knife to spread peanut butter around the roll, then we rolled it in a plateful of birdseed.

It took us about 15 minutes, and we had a lot of fun vacuuming afterwards (we actually did really have fun with that bit, but that may be just us).

Then we set out to place our feeders on some low branches. We slipped them over some branches near the birdhouses. We used a path we cross at least once a day, so we can keep an eye on them and throw them away when they're empty.

Lastly, we scattered big handfuls of birdseed under the trees on our way home. Probably that was the most fun part of all.


  1. This looks fantastic! Pictures are BEAUTIFUL!

  2. Thanks again for the great idea! Glad we found you through pinterest. Easy, fun and perfect for a fall day.
